Beaconhouse National University - Center for Policy Research

BNU Center for Policy Research (BCPR)

In recognition of the growing need to continue contributing to the stock of knowledge through enquiry, research and interaction, Beaconhouse National University (BNU) set up the Center for Policy Research (BCPR) as the hub for policy-oriented research. Originally focused on applied socio-economic areas, the Center’s remit has been expanded to include the entire spectrum of disciplines and fields of inquiry studied at BNU.

BCPR seeks to foster a culture of rigorous, policy-relevant research and analysis. In keeping with the interdisciplinary approach of BNU, the center explores new avenues by taking an integrated view of Pakistan’s policy issues in the context of our economic, political and social realities, their changing dynamics and global developments. It is also a platform for interacting with organizations, academia, think tanks and related institutions in Pakistan and abroad.

“BCPR envisions formulating its recommendations from the lens of its likely beneficiaries, making them primary stakeholders in policy-making exercises. It aims to elicit research to contribute to the ever - evolving narrative for human development and sustainable growth, eventually benefiting the citizens of Pakistan.”

BNU Center for Policy Research (BCPR)

Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan

Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan (Director and Head of Initiative on Pakistan’s Place in the World)

Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan currently serves as the Director of the Beaconhouse Center for Policy Research (BCPR) and Head of the Initiative on Pakistan’s Place in the World. This initiative, housed within BCPR, is dedicated to analyzing and shaping Pakistan's role and image on the global stage

Before joining BCPR, Ambassador Khan concluded a distinguished career in the Foreign Service of Pakistan spanning over 32 years. Throughout his diplomatic journey, Mr. Khan undertook pivotal roles in various capacities within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and across Pakistan’s diplomatic missions worldwide. Notably, he served as Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan, Austria, and the Slovak Republic, as well as Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Vienna. Previously, he held diplomatic postings in significant locations such as Kabul, New Delhi, Harare, and Pakistan's Mission to the UN in Geneva.

An area of expertise for Mr. Khan lies in regional diplomacy and economic integration, reflecting his substantial contributions in these domains over the years. Notably, he served as Pakistan’s Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2020 to 2022, during which he navigated the transitional period and the Taliban's assumption of power in 2021. In recognition of his valorous service in challenging circumstances, Ambassador Khan was honored with the Sitara-e-Shujaat award in March 2023.

For any inquiries or correspondence, Mr. Mansoor Khan can be reached through the following contact details:

Phone: 04238100156

Dr. Hafiz A. Pasha (Member)

Dr. Pasha has remained Dean of the School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences and Vice Chairman of the Institute of Public Policy at BNU until 2013. He has served as Chairman of the Advisory Panel of Economists to the Planning Commission, Convener of the Economic Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chairman of the Tax Advisory Council of Federal Board of Revenue.

From 2001 to 2007, Dr. Pasha was UN Assistant Secretary General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific of UNDP. Dr. Pasha has held a number of important public appointments including the Federal Commerce Minister, Federal Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy Chairman/Federal Minister of the Planning Commission, and Education Minister in three governments. He has also been the Vice Chancellor of the University of Karachi, Dean and Director of the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, and Research Professor and Director of the Applied Economics Research Centre, Karachi.

Dr. Pasha has a M.A. from Cambridge University, U.K and PhD from Stanford University, U.S.A. He was awarded in 2005 the Congressional Medal of Achievement by the Philippines Congress.

In 2012, he received the Engro Lifetime Achievement Award for excellence in the field of Social Sciences. He has published over 150 books and articles in the fields of governance, public finance, urban and regional economics, poverty and social development, industry, energy, economics etc.

Dr. Moeed Yusuf (Member)

Recognized as one of the leading scholars of his generation, Dr. Yusuf has a rich academic background, having taught Political Science and International Relations at esteemed institutions such as Boston University, George Washington University, Lahore University of Management Sciences, and Quaid-e-Azam University. He has held several significant positions throughout his career, including most recently as Pakistan’s youngest National Security Adviser. He has also been a Research Fellow at Boston University’s Pardee School and Harvard University’s Kennedy School and an Associate Vice President at the U.S. Institute of Peace. As an accomplished writer, Dr. Yusuf has published extensively. His last book, Brokered Bargaining, was published by Stanford University Press in 2018. He holds a Master's degree in International Relations and a PhD in Political Science from Boston University.

Ms. Hafsa Tanveer (Member)

Hafsa has done her MPhil in Economics from Lahore School of Economics (LSE). She holds an undergraduate degree of double majors in Economics and Finance from Lahore School of Economics. Her interest are in theoretical modelling, development economics and environmental economics.

Academic Freedom and Excellence

BNU values academic freedom, where both faculty and students are encouraged to explore diverse perspectives and engage in open dialogue. The commitment to excellence is reflected in BNU's efforts to maintain high academic standards and provide a world-class educational experience.

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Discussion with Former Ambassador Farukh Amil on Intellectual Property & Innovation

He highlighted the role of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other legal methods of securing intellectual property for innovation. Ambassador Amil recounted anecdotes about popular Pakistani and American artists and how they benefited from using such legal methods of securing their intellectual property. He further emphasized the contributions of IP rights in boosting innovation and economic development in countries such as the US, and encouraged students to learn from their examples in their own future creative and business endeavors. This session helped equip the students with relevant and crucial practical knowledge for securing ownership of their intellectual property and encouraging innovation.

Roundtable Discussion on Pakistan-India Relations

The panel featured twenty esteemed panelists representing academia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Defense sector. The session was inaugurated by Ambassador Johar Saleem (President IRS), Ambassador Mansoor Ahmad Khan (Director BCPR) and Dr. Moeed Yusuf, Former National Security Advisor and Vice Chancellor, BNU. Distinguished keynote speakers included Senator Mushahid Hussain, Khurram Dastagir, Ambassador Tehmina Janjua, Ambassador Jehangir Ashraf Qazi, and General Nasir Khan Janjua. The session also featured insightful remarks from Senator Sherry Rehman. The discussion was comprehensive and thought-provoking, offering a wide range of perspectives on the complexities and possibilities of Pakistan-India relations. The engaging dialogue left the distinguished audience with much to reflect upon, highlighting the importance of continued efforts towards constructive engagement between the two nations.

Panel Discussion on Managing Infrastructure and Energy Corridors

The panelists also shed light upon the economic, environmental, and political dimensions of CPEC. Importantly, panelists discussed the substance and content of current Pakistan-US relations and whether American interests in green energy and climate change factor into its foreign policy. Speakers included Professor Hong Stella Zhang, a China Public Policy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Ash Center of the Harvard Kennedy School; Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General of Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad and former Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States; Ms. Imrana Tiwana, Head of Initiative for Climate change and Environmental Sustainability at BNU; Dr. Syed Mohammad Ali, who is a non-Resident Faculty/Visiting Fellow at BNU, and teaches graduate courses at the Advanced Academic Programs at Johns Hopkins University; Ambassador Hassan Raza, a diplomat and former Special Secretary at Pakistan's Foreign Office; and Mr. Ghammaz Husnain, Assistant Professor at RHSA and Coordinator of CURE, the Centre for Urban and Rural Environments.

Panel Discussion: Mega Projects & Climate Change – BRI and B3W

The event was moderated by Ghammaz H. Sandhu, Assistant Professor RHSA and Coordinator of CURE, the Centre for Urban and Rural Environments, with opening remarks by Dr. Yinghao He from the Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance, Fudan University. The panelists included Michael Kugelman, Director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Center in Washington D.C; Ambassador Mansoor Ahmad Khan, Head of the Initiative on Pakistan’s Place in the World at the BNU Centre for Policy Research (BCPR); Dr. Atif Bilal, Associate Professor at the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore as a specialist in Sustainable Urban Development and Urban Transport Planning; and M. Omar Farooq, Head of Department of RHSA. In her opening remarks, Dr. He set the tone for the discussion by stressing upon the urgency of the questions pertaining to climate change and called attention to the fact that climate change knows no borders and affects everyone, thus it requires cooperation and immediate attention. Two over-arching themes emerged from this discussion, which featured enthusiastic participation from the students and academics in the audience. One line of discussion focused on the effects of the BRI and B3W on climate change and the environment as both projects involve massive infrastructural development. The second line of discussion grappled with the political dimensions of the two mega-projects. Panelists addressed the larger question of the BRI and B3W as avenues of Chinese and American regional competition. Mr. Kugelman emphasized that the US was initially supportive of the BRI and hoped to collaborate with China and Pakistan in the project, however the US official perspective has changed to one of competition with Chinese involvement in Pakistan under the BRI. The audience also brought up crucial questions about climate justice, questioning whether it was fair that countries like Pakistan are among the most affected by climate change despite being minor contributors to global environmental degradation, and that Pakistan is dealing with the negative environmental consequences of the industrialization of developed countries such as the US. The event also featured the launch and distribution of the Policy Paper on “Setting Future Agenda of Pakistan-US Relations Around Trade, Investment and Climate Change,” written by Ambassador Mansoor Ahmad Khan at the BCPR under the American Studies Initiative (ASI). The copies of the Paper are also being dispatched to senior officials, leading think-tanks and senior journalists covering foreign policy subjects in print and electronic media.

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