Improving Data Collection among National and Provincial Statistical Agencies to Strengthen Policymaking for the Cultural and Creative Industries
Approx. value of the contract (in USD):$ 83,496
Location within country:Lahore, Pakistan
Duration of assignment (months):23
Name of Client:International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD), UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:18 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Executive Director, Student Affairs & External Relations
Beaconhouse National University
Tarogil Campus
13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg, Raiwind Road, Lahore - 53700, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-42-38100156 ext. 431
Cell: +92-300-8455753
The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is one of the key instruments of international cooperation and assistance of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005). The Fund’s objective is to foster the emergence of a dynamic cultural sector in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention by strengthening their capacity to create, produce, distribute and provide access to a diverse range of cultural goods and services. As a multi-donor fund, the IFCD promotes South-South and North-South cooperation, while contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality.
Related Links: UN Pakistan Media Update, ProPakistani Article
September, 2023
Completion date (month/year):November, 2025
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:18 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:None
Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization involved and designation and/or functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan (Project Lead/Expert)
Dr. Izza Aftab (Project Co-lead/Senior Expert)
Beaconhouse National University (BNU) has commenced work on the project, "Improving Data Collection among National and Provincial Statistical Agencies to Strengthen Policymaking for the Cultural and Creative Industries".
The project was approved for funding under the 13th call of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) earlier this year. The international call under IFCD received 610 proposals, globally. BNU’s proposal is one of only eleven proposals that were selected for funding.
The project will be co-led by BNU faculty including Dr. Izza Aftab and Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan.
The project will develop locally relevant harmonized definitions of "culture”, “creative trades”, and “cultural goods” for Pakistan, followed by a detailed mapping exercise to determine how to benefit these sectors and communities in the prevailing market conditions. The final outcome would be a validated, robust framework for cultural and creative sectors and practitioners to estimate local gross domestic product. The project aims to put Pakistan and public agencies in a position to answer simple yet pertinent questions about the contribution of culture and creative sectors to GDP and employment.
In case of Pakistan, there is no single harmonized definition of culture, creative trades and cultural goods at the policy level. It is one of the key reasons that despite the best efforts of the data collection agencies and independent researchers, the publicly available datasets on cultural and creative industries and occupations remain fuzzy and are not comprehensive enough to inform evidence based policy making.
As a first step, the project will develop relevant and acceptable definitions, in line with Pakistan’s international commitments to document a sector that has survived in spite of being on the public backburner. The project team will conduct analyses and comparisons of proposed definitions with UNESCO’s Framework (2009) in order to build internationally comparable and locally relevant definitions. The rationale behind the exercise is to have a functional definition that can be used in survey instruments to lead to robust findings for data collection exercises.
[Lahore, Pakistan]—(April 4, 2024)— Beaconhouse National University (BNU) recently convened a consultative workshop of domain experts in the cultural and creative industries to share insights and gather feedback on the ongoing project titled, “Improving Data Collection among National and Provincial Statistical Agencies to Strengthen Policymaking for the Cultural and Creative Industries.” This initiative is funded by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The workshop brought together over 70 professionals, including academics, researchers, policymakers, development experts, cultural professionals, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs, representing a diverse range of stakeholders in cultural and creative industries across Pakistan. Representatives from public sector entities such as the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Bureau of Statistics Punjab, Punjab Council of the Arts (PUCAR), Planning & Development Board (P&D), Government of the Punjab, Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA), Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA), Lahore Arts Council, and Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) attended the workshop.
Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan, the Project Lead and Expert, delivered a comprehensive presentation outlining the goals of the UNESCO 2005 convention and providing an overview of the project's background and objectives. This was followed by a detailed presentation by Senior Researcher Syed Amna Hassan on the definition exercise, which synthesized inclusive definitions of "Culture," "Creative Trades," and "Cultural Goods" tailored for Pakistan's context.
Senior Researcher Sadaf Akbar presented prototypes of instruments aimed at quantifying the economic contributions of cultural and creative industries. These instruments, developed based on the UNESCO-prescribed domains included Design and Creative Services, Audiovisual and Interactive Media, Visual Arts and Crafts, Performance and Celebration, and Music. The adoption of UNESCO's Culture, 2030 Indicators methodology was highlighted for its ability to measure economic contributions while mapping impacts on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Following the presentations, breakout sessions facilitated direct engagement between the project team and experts, enabling the collection of feedback and recommendations.
Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan expressed gratitude to all participants for their valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of their contributions in refining and validating the project's instruments. The project now progresses to its next phase, focusing on detailed mapping exercises and field testing of the instruments in selected cities. The ultimate goal is to develop a validated framework for estimating local gross domestic product within the cultural and creative sectors.
The project team anticipates presenting its findings at a conference scheduled for February next year.
Conference on "Culture: The Creative Engine of Economic Growth"
Beaconhouse National University and DigitalOcean LLC invite proposals to catalyze inclusive entrepreneurship in Pakistan.
Documentation and Promotion of Cultural & Creative Industries around selected heritage sites in Punjab
Approx. value of the contract (in USD):$130,000 (approx.)
Location within country:Punjab
Duration of assignment (months):10
Name of Client:Government of the Punjab, with support of a World Bank loan, launched the Punjab Tourism & Economic Growth (PTEG) project (2017-2022). Under the sub-project “Protection & Promotion of Cultural Heritage of Punjab through Sustainable Tourism and Economic Growth (2018-2021)”, UNESCO Islamabad provided technical assistance to the Government of Punjab for: Protection of selected heritage sites and museums through site management planning, institutional reform and capacity building; Economic growth and pluralism evidenced as a result of heritage protection and promotion.
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:10 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Ms. Amna Ali
National Project Officer, Culture
Mr. Jawad Aziz
UNESCO, Islamabad
Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Executive Director, Student Affairs & External Relations
Beaconhouse National University
Tarogil Campus
13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg, Raiwind Road, Lahore - 53700, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-42-38100156 ext. 431
Cell: +92-300-8455753
February, 2021
Completion date (month/year):December, 2021
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:10 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:None
Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization involved and designation and/or functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Description of Project:The main objective of this project was to document and promote cultural and creative industries by undertaking studies; organize training workshops; develop market linkages and create awareness on basic conservation and management of selected heritage sites, through the following activities:
Activity I: Undertake awareness raising meetings and studies to document the cultural and creative industries in the target areas.
Activity II: Organize training workshops in selected trades, creative industries and basic conservation and management of heritage sites engaging young artists, performers, craftspersons, creative entrepreneurs, tour-guides, etc.
Activity III: Organize exhibitions and promotional events engaging creative entrepreneurs, artisans, performers etc. to develop entrepreneurial skills and market linkages.
1) Artisans engaged in creative art and crafts etc.
2) Tradition bearers within communities
3) Tour operators and tour guides
4) Potential Entrepreneurs who can be engaged for market linkage development of creative and cultural products.
5) Performing artists e.g. musicians, theatre artists, storytellers etc.
6) Government stakeholders (relevant government departments) for advocacy on improving access to capital for artisans for sustainable tourism and economic growth.
Ravi Riverine Area of Ganghi Bar-Sandal Bar & the Archeological Sub-Zone of the Indus Valley Civilization encompassing the Sites of Gurdawara Sacha Sauda Farooqabad Sheikhupura, Gurdawara Rohri Sahib Eminabad Gujranwala and Lahore Museum, included three districts: Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, and Lahore. Circuit 3: South Punjab Sufi Realm-Cholistan Desert Zone & the Hakra Indus Archeological Zone encompassing the Site of Uch Sharif. Included two districts: Multan, Bahawalpur (covering UCH and Cholistan).
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:The outputs/deliverables of the project were broadly allocated to the two geographical zones (Ravi Riverine Area of Ganghi Bar-Sandal Bar & the Archeological Sub-Zone of the Indus Valley Civilization and South Punjab Sufi Realm-Cholistan Desert Zone & the Hakra Indus Archeological Zone) of Punjab (details given above).
The assignment included the following:
Mapping of Cultural and Creative Industries
Undertake awareness raising meetings to initiate the advocacy process and studies to document the cultural and creative industries in and around the selected heritage sites in Punjab. These involved bringing on board government departments such as the Punjab Small Industries Corporation, Export Promotion Bureau and other government and non-government training providers to develop an integrated approach towards skill development and market linkages.
Resource Material
Review existing resource material available with UNESCO and other resources for preliminary design of the resource material to be developed for Cultural and Creative Industries component. Develop one all-inclusive resource document for each circuit, focusing on the cultural and creative industries component (including tangible and intangible cultural heritage, creative arts, crafts and performing arts). Printed Resource Document - 250 copies for each site i.e. a total of 500 copies (in English and Urdu). Develop 5-minute Video for each circuit on the selected site/s highlighting the cultural and creative industries and developing linkages of local artisans, crafts people and performing artists for sustainable tourism and economic growth (with voiceover in Urdu, English and local language/s).
Capacity Building Training Workshops
Organize a minimum of 8 workshops in total i.e. at least 4 Capacity Building Training Workshops in each circuit around the selected heritage sites in selected trades, creative industries and basic conservation and management of heritage sites engaging young artists, performers, craft-persons, creative entrepreneurs, tour-guides, tour operators, local storytellers etc. Duration of each workshop must be at least 2 days. The training component focused on: Skill Development (Technical) Trainings, Color Coordination & Design Development, Techniques Trainings for Enhancement of Skills, Development of Popular Products and Introduction of Innovative Products for the Enhancement of Market size and livelihoods, Entrepreneurial Trainings for enhancement of economic opportunities, Practical Trainings - Market Exposure Visits, Exhibitions and Sales Events for the Enhancement of Market Exposure. Creating market linkages and organizational structures. Workshops with tour operators for developing and marketing tourism packages and creating awareness of the selected heritage sites and their cultural value. At least 50 crafts persons and 5 entrepreneurs (identified from the local communities) trained at/around each selected heritage site (including artisans, crafts people, performing artists, tradition bearers, and culinary front for local cuisine, tour guides, entrepreneurs etc.). Gender parity will be kept in consideration (at least 30% women).
Exhibitions & Promotional Events
Organize at least one exhibition/promotional event engaging creative entrepreneurs, artisans, performers etc. to develop entrepreneurial skills and market linkages for sustainable tourism highlighting the potential of local arts and crafts.
Website Portal Design & Development
Design and develop an e-commerce based portal to facilitate the government (PTEG) and micro-entrepreneurs (craftspersons, tourist guide and artisan) in both circuits. The primary objective of the website/portal will be to connect the micro-entrepreneurs with each other and provide a scalable platform through which sustainable business streams can be generated.
Advocacy with Government Stakeholders
Advocacy meetings with relevant stakeholders and government departments including PTEGP, Arts Councils, Tourism Department, Walled City of Lahore Authority, Lok Virsa, AHAN, Punjab Small Industries Corporation etc. for advocacy on improving access to capital for artisans for sustainable tourism and economic growth.
Pakistan Creative Future Program
Approx. value of the contract (in USD):$28,882.50
Location within country:Lahore
Duration of assignment (months):5
Name of Client:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with support from Republic of Korea
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:5 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Mr. Jawad Aziz
UNESCO, Islamabad
Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Executive Director, Student Affairs & External Relations
Beaconhouse National University
Tarogil Campus
13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg, Raiwind Road, Lahore - 53700, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-42-38100156 ext. 431
Cell: +92-300-8455753
July, 2019
Completion date (month/year):November, 2019
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:5 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:None
Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization involved and designation and/or functions performed:Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan - Project Coordinator
Ms. Saima Rana - Case Study Writer and Trainer
The program was a tripartite partnership between Beaconhouse National University (BNU), the Republic of Korea, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It was customized to the needs of twelve aspiring entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industries.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:BNU RTI Project
Approx. value of the contract (in current PKR):14,430,472.00
Location within country:Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan
Duration of assignment (months):7
Name of Client:World Bank Group
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:4 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Ms. Irum Touqeer
The World Bank
Tel: 051-9090191
Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Executive Director, Student Affairs & External Relations
Beaconhouse National University
Tarogil Campus
13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg, Raiwind Road, Lahore - 53700, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-42-38100156 ext. 431
Cell: +92-300-8455753
April 2014
Completion date (month/year):November 2014
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:2 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:Little Art
Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization involved and designation and/or functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):Dr. Razia I. Sadik, Prof. Salima Hashmi, Prof Naazish Ataullah, Mr. Zaeem Yaqoob Khan
Description of Project:The Punjab Transparency and RTI Act was enacted by the Punjab Assembly in December 2013. Through the initiative, the World Bank aimed to support RTI implementation in Punjab by strengthening demand side at the local level specifically to:
Raise awareness and build capacity of youth (university/college-level students) at local level to improve their knowledge of the law and related processes and volunteer and spearhead campaigning to inform the society about the advantages of RTI; and
Highlight the importance of RTI and its implementation by stimulating dialogues/discussions by think tanks.
In order to achieve the objectives of the Terms of Reference (TOR’s) of the Project, as specified by the World Bank, the BNU RTI Team planned and implemented two sets of activities.
The first consisted of youth mobilization activities including RTI Art Fest, Inter-College Declamation Contests (English & Urdu), All Punjab RTI Videography Competition (Urdu, Punjabi, and English), All Punjab RTI Social Media Campaign and RTI Volunteers Clubs (RVC) for raising awareness and building capacity of youth in public and private universities and colleges in the three districts in order to improve their knowledge of the RTI law and its processes. The goal of this was that with this knowledge youth should volunteer and spearhead campaigning to inform society about their rights under this law and utilizing these rights correctly for improving outcomes.
The second set of activities consisted of think tank policy dialogues held in the three cities of Punjab i.e. Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan with members of the bar, the media, politicians, government representatives, civil servants, 4 NGO’s, academics and community representatives. The goal of these activities was to discuss the RTI law with reference to relevant themes and issues amongst specialists in order to generate recommendations for implementing the RTI law. The recommendations were conveyed to the Punjab government, specifically its Information Commission.
Stories we tell – an Audio and visual storytelling project
Approx. value of the contract (in current PKR):14,976,568.00
Location within country:Lahore
Duration of assignment (months):14
Name of Client:Center for Culture & Development (CKU), Royal Danish Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:6 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Ms. Ammara Durrani
Programme Advisor Pakistan
Tel: +92 300 8569023
Rabeya Jalil
Beaconhouse National University
Tarogil Campus
13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg, Raiwind Road, Lahore - 53700, Pakistan.
Cell: +92-300-4336790
January 2016
Completion date (month/year):February 2017
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:2 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:Lahore Biennale Foundation was the partner organization on this engagement
Name of senior professional staff of your consulting firm/organization involved and designation and/or functions performed (e.g. Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):Prof. Rashid Rana, Rabeya Jalil, Bilal Sami, Qudsia Rahim
Description of Project:BNU-SVAD and Lahore Biennale Foundation partnered to create Stories We Tell, an audio and visual storytelling project that aimed to create crossover between communities, and people, by creating an avenue for exchange of ideas and stories. The overall project aimed to create intercultural dialogue by using site specific community projects as trigger points for the collection and generation of stories and narratives to encourage citizens of Lahore to tell their personal experiences and initiate public exchange discourse.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:The impetus behind Stories We Tell was to revitalize the historic, regional and indigenous form of storytelling (qissa-khwani) as a method for exchange of ideas. A group of art and design educators intended to connect stratified and insular communities of Lahore by facilitating an innovative process of dialogue and eventually examine the art of storytelling in public spaces. During this eight-month project, twelve storytelling booths were placed around the city to record and broadcast stories and casual conversations. Around 8000 narratives were recorded from a dozen storytelling booths placed across a range of socio-economic settlements in Lahore. The broad themes that emerged as result of these virtual conversations were gender, language, semiotics, religion, minority, government, humor, prejudices, patriotism, food, festivals, education, literature and film.
One segment of the project, titled artSPEAKS, was a series of presentations, academic conversations and discussions around the initiative’s emerging themes and subjects. As part of this initiative, educators and undergraduate students, from the discipline of Visual Communication Design at SVAD, BNU, collaborated with the Mirasi community (known to be the gatekeepers of the storytelling tradition in Punjab) on short narrative videos/animations that aimed to give a voice to the community’s idea of storytelling as well as their profession’s interaction with it.
The project culminated with an exhibition of the recorded stories, curated by Rashid Rana. The projections against the large walls of a semi-circular hall at Alhamra, bemused the audience with their magnanimous scale. A Stories We Tell publication, edited by Rabeya Jalil and Bilal Sami, was also launched during the event. This book was Beaconhouse National University - School of Visual Art and Design’s first publication that archived and reinterpreted, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the stories collected.
Humnawa Project
Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):$57,143
Location within country:Muzaffargarh, AliPur, Southern Punjab
Duration of assignment (months):10
Name of Client:Punjab Skills Development Fund
Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:3 months
Contact Person, Title/Designation, Tel. No./Address:Rohma Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Design
Tel: +92-300-4361018
Beaconhouse National University, School of Visual Arts & Design, 3-C Zafar Ali Road, Lahore 54400
Jan 2012
Completion date (month/year):October 2012
No. of professional staff-months provided by your consulting firm/organization or your sub consultants:4 months
Name of associated Consultants, if any:Sungi Development Foundation (
Bunyad Foundation (
SABAH, (SAARC Business Association of Home Based Workers), Pakistan (
Rohma Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Design
Description of Project:In a unique effort to strengthen the connection between Design Education and grassroots development, the faculty & students of the School of Visual Arts & Design at Beaconhouse National University, Sungi Development Foundation and Bunyad Foundation joined hands to conduct a customized training program in skills and product development for 200 women in Muzaffargarh district in South Punjab. The main objective was to create sustainable empowerment for the community members that enabled them to continue their income generating activity without or little support from outside. Furthermore the project facilitated the introduction of BNU SVAD students to a socially responsible career path.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:The program provided Gender Activated Learning Training, Color Workshop, Trends Workshop, Skill Enhancement Workshop, Product Development Workshop, Material Selection Workshop, and Artisan exposure visits to the urban center of Lahore. Each of the 8 centers located in Southern Punjab, trained 25 women of all age groups and varying skill sets. At the end of the project the university organized three exhibitions of the women’s crafts. The sales profits of the exhibits were given to the women artisans who created the crafts.
The university provided a great deal of logistical support. It provided buses for traveling, making food, travel and accommodation arrangements. The accounts office has been helping in the billing and reimbursement of various project costs. Other faculty members took keen interest in the project by advising on different ways to tackle management issues, providing linkages with the industry, and linkages with other similar programs.
The identified area in Southern Punjab has the highest crime rate. To counter this problem the university provided heavy security to the students and faculty when traveling. The marketing team at BNU especially contributed during exhibitions with heavy media coverage of the event.