Hostels at Beaconhouse National University (BNU)


The Hostel team strives to provide a safe, supportive, and an all inclusive residential environment which compliments and enriches the educational experience of students. Our policies and regulations ensure the safety and security of our residents and residential units.

The following pointers contain information pertaining to the housing contract, rules and regulations, and other important information. These guidelines have been compiled to help students prepare for the upcoming academic year and answer most questions regarding residence, check-in procedures and housing policies, as well as information about planning and packing for University and safety and security procedures.

Please take time out to read and absorb the policies and procedures. The purpose is to share important information relevant to your social and academic success at BNU.


BNU Hostels

Hostel Admission & Registration Form

Check Availability of Hostel Accommodation

All applicants are advised to take a note that an admission offer does not by default entitle an applicant to allotment of residence in the hostel.

BNU Hostel Accommodation is provided to students on a first-come-first-serve basis and is subject to availability of rooms. It is incumbent upon all applicants desirous of availing the hostel accommodation to confirm availability of rooms prior to their acceptance of admission offer from the university.

For further information and assistance, please email at .

Applying for On-Campus Residence (New/Returning Students)

General Information

  • On-Campus Residence is offered to full time registered BNU students only.
  • In order to apply, students are required to register in BNU CMS.
  • Lahore residents are allowed to apply for On-Campus Residence but permission will be granted on a case to case basis.
  • Notification of room allocation is sent to students via email by Hostel Wardens.
  • On-Campus Residence Security and Fee must be paid by every applicant.
  • Allocation of space is subject to availability. The Warden Office reserves the right to allocate accommodation.

New/Returning Students

  • Registration for On-Campus Residence will be open for each semester i.e. for Fall in August, for Spring in December and for Summer in May.
  • Space is limited and you are strongly advised to register as early as possible.
  • Accommodation is available on the basis of Double Occupancy.
  • Single occupancy is only on the basis of availability and double fee will be charged.
  • Every effort will be made to accommodate preferences. However preferences are not guaranteed.
  • No payment is required for Registration however All Outstanding Dues must be cleared.
  • Confirmation and Check in will be permissible only after payment has been made of Semester fee & Hostel dues plus any outstanding dues.

How to apply on BNU-CMS

    • Process will be updated soon.


On-Campus Residence Dues

Applicants for on-campus residence are required to pay the hostel fee as per the Hostel Fee Voucher.

Payment Details

Description   Pakistan Rupees 
 Hostel Charges (per semester)  Rs. 114,000
 Hostel Security (one time charge- refundable)  Rs. 25,000
 Total  Rs. 139,000

Things to Know

  • Except for the security fee, the fee paid for On-Campus Residence is non-refundable.
  • Penalties apply for late payments as per semester tuition fee.

Additional Charges

Following Appliances are not provided in rooms by BNU but can be installed by a student from own resources.

Schedule of Appliance Charges;

  • Room Refrigerator: Rs. 10,200/-
  • Room Electric Heater: Rs. 18,000/-
  • Split Air Conditioner: Rs. 54,000/-

Note: All appliance charges will be applicable on semester basis only.


Common Room

Each residential facility features common rooms with large screen TVs and comfortable seating. All common rooms are air conditioned. Students should keep in mind the following rules:

  • Timings : Until 11:00 pm.
  • Residents are only allowed to sleep in the lounges during the summer months.
  • Personal belongings should not be left unattended in the common spaces.
  • The University cannot be held responsible in case of loss of personal property.
  • Edibles (Food & Drinks) are not allowed in the common room.


Pantries are located on every floor and are equipped with a refrigerator, water cooler, microwave oven, toaster and an iron. Please remember that these are for the use of all building residents. Common courtesy requires that each user cleans up after using the facility.


Laundry services are provided at a very nominal rate to all students. The residents are responsible for collecting from and dropping laundry to the laundry room located in the designated residential area. The laundry charges are displayed in the laundry room. The outsourced vendor will charge all students directly for laundry services.

Laundry cannot be hung out to dry in the balconies.

Mail Delivery

All letters and packages are received by the Hostel Warden. Outgoing mail can be also sent through the Hostel Warden against payment for courier services.

Medical Services

    • Paramedic staff is available 24X7 for hostel residents.
    • Ambulance service is available 24X7 for hostel residents.
    • iHeal services are available on-campus, Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Your Room

Listed below is the information which should be helpful in determining what to bring for your room. Rooms are equipped with a bed, desk, chair, wall mirror, wardrobe/closet, light and an electricity port outlet. Please note that students are NOT allowed to nail or use screws for hanging items.

Miscellaneous Information

  • Bed size: L 6.5ft x W 3ft
  • Storage drawers under bed
  • Study Table
  • 4 Drawer Rack
  • Wall mounted book shelf
  • Almirah

Items that resident may require – all from own resources

  • Mattress
  • Bed sheets, blanket, pillow, quilt, bed cover
  • Crockery & Cutlery
  • Clocks, radios
  • Stereo systems (compact) w/earphones
  • Lamps (desk or floor — NO HALOGEN)
  • Fans
  • Grooming aids
  • Humidifiers
  • Vaporizers
  • Room refrigerators
  • Room Electric Heater (max 1000 watts fan heater)
  • Air Conditioners (Max One-Ton Inverter and Installation cost will be charged to student)
  • Personal items that students should bring
  • Towels & toiletries
  • Clothes hangers
  • Curtains for window 6’x4’

What Not to Bring (this is not a complete list)

  • Microwave ovens/toaster/ovens/irons/electric rods
  • Candles/incense
  • Hot plates
  • Waffle iron
  • Woks
  • Halogen lamps
  • Electric Kettle

Note: It’s the prior responsibility of the student to ensure cleanliness of his room. Hostel administration will carry out such a function only once a week over the weekends in the presence of the student. All student residents of BNU Hostel are advised to bring their own bedding basics including mattress, bed linens, pillows, pillow covers and comforters etc. with them at the time of check-in. In case any student wishes to purchase the related items, the university can provide a bedding set including a mattress, a pillow (with pillow cover) and a bed-linen for Rs. 8,200.

Check-In New/Returning Students

How to Check-In

  • Sign the Housing Agreement.
  • Collect room keys.
  • The room must be carefully checked. All complaints must be forwarded to the Hostel Warden.

Important Notes

  • Please ensure that you arrive at the specified date. Early or late arrivals are subject to approval and must be notified to Hostel Warden.
  • Anything damaged, broken or out of order item must be reported via email at
  • Subsequent repair costs of the room fittings, including bulbs and locks are the sole responsibility of the resident.


  • All keys are the property of BNU and given to residents for personal use only.
  • Residents are prohibited from giving and/or loaning their keys to anyone for any reason.
  • Any duplication of University keys is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are provided keys for their room, cabinet, desk and side table.
  • These keys must be returned to the Hostel Warden on vacating the hostel.
  • Duplicate keys are arranged by the Hostel Warden on payment of a fine.

Key Replacement Charges

Description   Pakistan Rupees 
All Keys  Rs. 3,000
Duplicate Room Key  Rs. 1,000
Duplicate Drawer Key  Rs. 500

Late Fee Key Issuance Charge

Applicable for issuance of keys after BNU official work hours, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. @ of Rs. 2,000 per request.

Lost Keys

  • Lost keys must be reported to the Hostel Warden, who will arrange a new set..
  • New keys may be picked up during office hours on week days.
  • The student will be charged a replacement fee for the lost keys..
  • The fee is charged at the time of pickup
  • Students must present their Hostel card when collecting their new keys.

Return of Keys at Check-out.

All Keys must be returned to Hostel Warden on checkout

Cancellation of Allocated Room

An allocated room is subject to be cancelled if a student does not check in by the date and time specified by the Hostel Warden. However, if notified that illness or other extenuating personal circumstances will delay the student's return, special permission to check in at a later date maybe given by the Hostel Warden. The student's right to reside on-campus shall be forfeited upon non-payment of university fees, upon failure to return at the beginning of an academic term, or upon ceasing to be a registered full-time student.

Room Assignment and Change

The Hostel Warden reserves the right to assign any vacancy at any time and/or to reassign any student at any time.

Room Change

  • Students are not allowed to move into a new room or change rooms with another student without the written permission of the Hostel Warden.
  • Any queries about changing rooms, should be sent to Hostel Warden.
  • Room changes without prior approval will result in a fine of Rs. 5,000/- and/or cancellation of accommodation.

Code of Conduct

  • Bedding Basics Policy
  • Students engaging in willful abuse or destruction of University property will result in being reported to the Department of Student Affairs resulting in disciplinary action.
  • Tampering with or modifying electrical, plumbing, cable television, telephone systems in rooms or public areas is strictly prohibited.
  • Misuse of fire extinguishers or other emergency equipment is prohibited and subject to fines and damage charges.
  • Drilling, nailing or painting of walls is prohibited.
  • Permanent installation of carpets or flooring is also prohibited.
  • The possession or use of fireworks, ammunition, hazardous or explosive material, firearms, pellet and BB guns, illegal knives, bladed or other dangerous weapons on-campus is prohibited.
  • Objects or substance of any kind may not be dropped or projected in a manner that may harass or endanger any person or risk damage to any property. Students must occupy the room to which they are assigned.
  • Any changes in room assignment must have prior approval of the Hostel Warden.
  • Assignment of rooms is at the discretion of Hostel Warden.
  • Upon confirmation that the student is not occupying his or her room, the space of that student will be reassigned.
  • Keeping pets in the rooms or the Residential buildings is not allowed.
  • Smoking is a hazard to the health and safety of all residents and is prohibited in all areas of the Residential buildings. Violations will be considered a breach of discipline and a fine of Rs. 1,000/- will be levied.
  • The use of any kind of narcotics or alcohol is absolutely forbidden on University premises. The use or possession of any kind of narcotics/alcohol will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the University Policy and immediate cancellation of residential space.
  • The possession and/or use of Sheesha is forbidden on campus. Possession or use will result in confiscation of the Sheesha and disciplinary action including the possibility of cancellation of On-Campus Residence.
  • No visitor including parent / guardian will be allowed inside the hostel premises. The resident will be liable to a fine of Rs. 2,000/- in all cases of visitors escorted by him / her into the hostel premises.


  • If the student arrives at the hostel earlier than the specified or approved date he / she will be required to pay Rs. 1,000 per day.
  • Fine equivalent to charges of 3 months will apply in addition to the applicable monthly charges for any unregistered personal appliance.
  • Three disciplinary violations will result in the cancellation of the space.
  • Misuse of fire extinguishers will result in a fine of Rs. 2,000/- payable by each resident on the entire floor.
  • Permanent installation of carpets or flooring is also prohibited.
  • A room swap will entail a fine of Rs. 5,000/- payable by each student..

Request for Repair and Maintenance

Repair Request

  • Students must directly email maintenance complains to (for Boys Hostel) and (for Girls Hostel)
  • Name, registration number, building and room number must be clearly mentioned.
  • At least 24 hours must be allowed for the repair work to complete.
  • If the repair work is still pending, it should be followed up with the Hostel Warden.
  • The Hostel Warden will maintain a record of when the room was visited, the job performed and the name and contact information of the vendor.
  • BNU reserves the right to enter the residential rooms for maintenance and repair purposes without prior permission or notice unless otherwise notified by the student.

Emergency repair and Maintenance

All Residential buildings undergo a complete repair and maintenance check during the summer break. Administration Department ensures that the required maintenance is carried out so that the buildings are ready when the students arrive for the new academic year.

Repair and maintenance assistance is provided for the following:

    • Alarms
    • Damage
    • Doors
    • Drains
    • Flooring
    • Furniture
    • Insects/Pests
    • Leaks
    • Lights
    • Locks
    • Pest Control
    • Odour
    • Mechanical Noise/Failure
    • Power/Electrical Service
    • Water
    • Windows
    • Others

Damages to Rooms

  • All losses and damages beyond normal wear and tear which occur within an individual student’s room are charged to the residents of the room.
  • The room check form completed or notification by email to at the beginning of each resident’s occupancy protects the student from being held liable for previous damages or conditions.
  • Once residents have checked into a room they are then responsible for all damages and/or losses which may occur during their occupancy.
  • Charges for residential room damages may not be appealed if a Check-in Form/email notification were not submitted at the time of check in or if residents have swapped/changed their assigned room without approval of the Hostel Warden.


  • All students must check out of their rooms at end of the academic year.
  • The last date to check out is indicated in the important dates.
  • You must complete the check out process (explained below) to properly vacate your room.
  • All keys must be returned to avoid any penalties.
  • You may complete a room check up to three days before checkout.

Refund of On-Campus Residence Security

  • The Hostel Warden validates the clearance of the student.
  • The student forwards the clearance form to the Accounts Department to process refund of the security.
  • The Accounts Department processes the request for the refund of the security and issues a cross cheque in the name provided by the student.

Temporary Accommodation

Student requiring hostel accommodation for a short stay, must apply online on BNU-CMS at least 7 days before the expected date of occupancy. Space will be offered subject to availability.

The following charges shall apply for a temporary/short stay:

  • Security Deposit is not applicable for a cumulative stay of up to 30 days during a semester.
  • Rental Charges - A stay of more than 7 and up to 14 days - Half a month’s charges will apply.
  • A stay of 14 and up to 31 days - full month charges will apply.
  • A stay of up to 7 days – Rs. 6500 per week.
  • On-campus Residence rules and regulations will apply equally to regular as well as short-term residents.


Short term residents will also be responsible for any damage caused by them to BNU property. Students can only check-in to On-Campus Residence after they have paid the security as well as any remaining dues in advance.

Hostel Timings and Reporting

Students are advised to strictly observe the curfew hours. No hostel resident student is allowed to stay out of the hostel after 11:00 pm or the time notified otherwise.

Violators will be penalized as follows:

  • If a student arrives after the notified curfew time, he/she will be fined Rs. 2000 on the first violation.
  • On the second violation, the penalty will be Rs. 5,000 and a warning will be issued.
  • On the third violation of the curfew time, the student will be expelled from the facility without any further warning.


If a student wishes to stay the night-out, a written permission from the parent(s) should be submitted to the Hostel Warden at least a day in advance.


All students are advised to ensure that none of their personal belongings are left behind in their respective rooms at the time of check-out.

Students are further advised to take their belongings with them at the time of check-out.

For students who wish to continue availing the Hostel Facility in the forthcoming semester, a facility for storage of personal belongings in a carton with prescribed specifications can be arranged for a charge upon request.


    • All students will mark their names and student IDs on their respective mattresses with clear visibility and for convenient identification.
    • At the end of semester and/or the time of check-out from the hostels, the students can take their mattresses with them.
    • For students who wish to continue availing the Hostel Facility in the forthcoming semester, facility can be provided by the Hostel Warden for storage of mattresses upon request.


University Access to Rooms

The Hostel Warden may enter a student’s room without prior notice or permission at any time for administrative, safety, and regulatory purposes.

The lock of the main door of the room may not be changed nor can additional locks be placed on any door of the room, or any other doors within the building. In the event of an emergency, the University may remove students’ belongings for cleaning, repair, storage, and/or protection.

BNU recognizes the importance of student' privacy of their rooms. Any right of entry shall be exercised only when required for purposes of health, safety, and maintenance, and to regulate the use of its premises in accordance with the rules and regulations.

University rules and regulations

Each residence building will maintain a Log Book which records the time, date, nature of complaint, action taken, and the name of the complainant..

When a student sends a repair request to it is understood that the Administration personnel have permission to enter the student’s room. However, a student may specify in their request that staff must enter in their presence only.

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