The aims of Center for Counseling and Psychological Well-Being are:
Here are some of the common instances when counseling might be recommended to a student:
The BNU Center for Counseling and Psychological Well-being is easily accessible for the students. Teacher may also make a referral if he/she feels the student needs help. The center is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, and is handled by experienced clinical psychologists. The service is available for all the students and staff at BNU.
We remain close on Saturday, Sunday & Public holidays.
There is no fee for counseling services. If you are referred off campus to a health care professional, you are responsible for fee charges.
Counseling sessions at the Center are confidential, and information about those sessions is not released except upon the student’s written request. However, the counselor will be obligated to report to the relevant authorities if she feels that
1. The student may harm himself or
2. The student may harm someone else
Please note that in case of referral by the teacher/department, some information might be shared with the department after discussing with the student. Written permission to release information will also be taken from the student.
A session typically lasts between 30-45 minutes, but there are times when shorter or longer sessions are arranged depending on the nature of the concern. Number and frequency of sessions will be decided after assessing nature of the presented problem.
Dr. Ruhi Khalid
Director, Center for Counseling and Psychological Well-Being
Ms. Sadia Nawaz
Campus Counselor
Office Ext: 713
Room No: 202, Sartaj Aziz Block